Depending on your age or where you grew up, you probably remember never locking the door to your house.

It seems like just yesterday, but those days are long gone.

Our way of life has changed rapidly. Churches, schools, and neighborhoods are no longer social institutions linking entire families into a single community. People do not know their neighbors as well as they once did. Crime and fear of crime threatens a community’s well being. People become afraid to use streets and parks and suspicion erupts between young and old. Crime in turn feeds on the social isolation and lack of community ties. The following are some crime facts in neighborhoods today. – Burglary and thefts from auto’s are the most prevalent neighborhood crimes. – Household burglary is one of the easiest crimes to commit, and to prevent. – Most home burglars are young amateurs looking for easy targets. – In over one-half of household burglaries, there was no forced entry involved. – Most home intrusions occur during daylight hours while homeowners are away. The burglar will in many cases watch your home for a few days to see when you are out. Is the choice either to be burgled or turn your house into a high tech security fortress? Not at all. The first step is to know the ways burglars break into your home and what to look out for to reduce your chance of being burgled.

Inexpensive precautions like installing better locks will make your dwelling more secure while at the same time a less desirable choice for the criminal. Install outdoor motion sensor lights. This is an inexpensive way to reduce the risk of someone coming onto your premises at night. Surveillance cameras have become quite affordable. Some models are wireless. Simply mount the small camera to monitor a particular area and the image can be viewed on your TV set.

Make sure you do not make it obvious that you are away. Have a neighbor pick up your mail. Make a list of all your valuable items. Neighborhood Watch is a proven crime-reduction program. Members watch out for their neighbors and report suspicious activities to their local police department. Neighborhood Watch has helped to restore the «front porch» by bringing neighbors into contact with each other once again for a common purpose – to make our homes and streets safe. What about installing a home security or surveillance system? Undoubtedly the largest benefit you receive when an alarm is installed in your home is the peace of mind in knowing that the percentage of homes that are broken into with an alarm is 97% less than homes that do not have an alarm. The homeowner should have a basic knowledge of the types of systems available to make the most cost effective choice. Perimeter sensors protect each door and window and detect an initial entry attempt. Motion sensors detect an intruder moving inside the house. Systems are either hardwired or wireless, using radio signals. Once an intrusion is detected the alarm system can sound a local alarm or contact an alarm monitoring company. The security representative surveying your home and living patterns can make recommendations for your best protection. With the level of home intrusion increasing everyday there has never been a better time to make sure your home is secure.

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